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Justice Prayers - June 19, 2024

It takes some of us a lifetime to learn that Christ, our Good Shepherd, knows exactly what He is doing with us. He understands us perfectly. - W. Phillip Keller

UN food chief warns of areas with zero harvests left

The director of the World Food Programme’s global office, Martin Frick, told the BBC this week that some of the most deprived areas on the globe had now reached a tipping point of having “zero” harvests left, as extreme weather was pushing already degraded land beyond use. He said that as a result, parts of Africa, the Middle East and Latin America were now dependent on humanitarian aid. The poorest areas are the most affected.

Mr Frick warned that without efforts to reverse land degradation globally, richer countries would also begin to suffer crop failures.  The interconnected nature of climate, soil health, carbon sinks and the harvest is a testament to God’s gracious creation.  But how we’ve disintegrated the interrelatedness of creation is having lasting impacts on our ability to feed ourselves and live within the earth’s capacity.

Lord of the harvest, the land is depleted and many are vulnerable.  Open our eyes to see. The land is depleted and still we argue. Open our eyes to see. The land is depleted and we’ve made life untenable. Open our eyes to see. Help us to restore the soil even when it costs us money and political power. Lord, open our eyes to see because you know how this earth works best.

UN warning of risk of severe malnutrition due to war

In a statement on Saturday, the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees noted “with continued restrictions to humanitarian access, people in Gaza continue to face desperate levels of hunger.”

The UN’s World Food Programme Deputy Executive Director Carl Skau spent two days assessing the plight of Palestinians this week, saying the challenges are “like nothing I have ever seen.”

”The situation in southern Gaza is quickly deteriorating. One million people in southern Gaza are trapped without clean water or sanitation in a highly congested area along the beach in the burning summer heat. We drove through rivers of sewage,” said Skau.

We pray to the One who provides water from the rock,

It feels impossible to stand by while the horrific conditions in Gaza continue. Lord hear the prayers of your creation, groaning under the weight of violence and retribution. Open the flow of aid to reach more people and keep them fed in Gaza. May the violence cease and healing begin. Open the flow of food and clean water, Lord.

Pathway to Citizenship for Undocumented Spouses

Executive Order to create pathway to citizenship for undocumented spouses of US citizens who have been working in the country for over ten years. Approximately 500,000 couples will be affected. 

Thank you Lord for the chance for married couples to be seen equally under the law. We pray that families will be strengthened by this policy and that children will benefit from both parents being able to work, move and grow as citizens in the country they call home. May our churches support all families as they navigate the economic realities so many of us face. 

Uncontained New Mexico Fire uproots thousands

With two fires listed at 0% containment as of Tuesday afternoon, residents in southern New Mexico have been forced to undergo “frenzied evacuations.” About 500 structures were lost.  The fires, in an area undergoing extreme drought, are two of dozens of uncontained wildfires in the US.  We pray for those affected today.

Lord, we pray for those who had to leave their homes knowing they would be destroyed. We pray for your Spirit to bring comfort and peace to those in the grips of fear and grief.  May the people of the affected areas work together to rebuild and support one another. Bring rain for the quench drought and douse the flames. 

Becoming (part of) the Answer to our Own Prayers

Indigenous Ministry Sunday

The upcoming Indigenous Ministry Sunday (June 23, 2024) resources highlight the experiencing reconciliation through doughnuts! Indigenous Ministry Sunday provides an opportunity for everyone in Canada to learn more about Indigenous peoples, their cultures and to celebrate the gifts and richness that Indigenous people bring to life in Canada.

Do Justice Podcast - Season 8

We know the journey of justice is messy, full of pitfalls and roadblocks.  And sometimes it feels like we’re all avoiding the question everyone is thinking.  When it comes to justice we can experience gaps between our convictions and the way we can live them out.  What if we could have a conversation about these elephant(s) in the room?  In this season we're talking to a wide variety of folks including pastors, church members, therapists, and youth leaders to get the advice they wish they had starting out. 

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