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Justice Prayers - Earth Day 2020

“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it” (Psalm 24:1).  As news of COVID-19 dominates not only our news cycles but also our hearts and minds, these words from the psalmist remind us of our continued trust in our Creator. With this in mind, we commemorate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day today with a renewed sense of hope, that indeed, our earth and creation will one day be restored and reconciled with our Creator.

Before our existence your spirit hovered over the waters. You spoke creation into being and we declare, Our world belongs to God.

You created life and breath, light and dark, land and sea, every sight, every sound. Our world belongs to God.

We give thanks for every tree, every space of blue sky, every cloud, every stream, every blade of grass and every bite of food.  Our world belongs to God.

Even while we suffer unsure feelings in the midst of a pandemic and feel the pain of the impacts of climate change we still declare, with faith, that our world belongs to God. 

On this Earth Day, more than any Earth Day before, may your Spirit open our eyes to see your grace and love towards us throughout creation. May your Spirit move our hearts with joy to steward the gift of creation. By your grace, may our thoughts and actions, today and everyday, reflect that our world belongs to God. 

Becoming (part of) the Answer to our Own Prayers

Hear from Climate Witness Project Regional Organizers 

Don't miss our on our Earth Day videos series where you can hear directly from organizers across North America.  

Photo by Blake Cheek on Unsplash

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