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Justice Prayers - April 27, 2020

How exquisite your love, O God! How eager we are to run under your wings, To eat our fill at the banquet you spread as you fill our tankards with Eden spring water. You’re a fountain of cascading light, and you open our eyes to light. - Psalm 36:7-9 (MSG)

South African Floods Aftermath

The extreme rains that caused extreme flooding inSouth Africa this month are being named yet another climate crisis weather event, disproportionately affecting the peoples who contribute the least to the climate crisis. The storm, delivering almost an entire year’s usual rainfall in 48 hours, washed away houses, bridges and roads, killing about 450 people and making thousands homeless.  This comes after a series of severe storms hitting southeast Africa earlier this year.  So we pray.

Father, we know the globe is continually reeling with these crisis and disasters.  Help the people in this area of South Africa to heal and rebuild. We pray for those who lost family members and hard-earned homes.  But Lord, help us all to keep meaningful, unhesitant climate policy action.  Where minds need to be changed, change them in your mighty name, for the sake of your creation.  

Policy Implications for Asylum Seekers in Canada and the US and Refugees in Europe

There were increased asylum seekers in Canada this past winter as the border restrictions lifted in December 2021. 2,811 asylum seekers crossing the border outside formal land ports of entry were intercepted.  Officials are working on decreasing wait times for an asylum hearing.  While laws and policies are implemented we pray for the real people waiting.

Lord, you are with those who wait.  We pray protection and provision for those in limbo. We ask you to guide decision makers so that these policies reflect your character and your longing for shalom for all who seek a safe and sustainable place to live.  And we pray for peace in the places they come from and in the places they wait.  

Supreme Court hears arguments for ending the Remain in Mexico policy in place for asylum seekers

The supreme is heard arguments on Tuesday for ending the “Remain in Mexico” Trump-era policies that required immigration officials to house asylum seekers and migrants in Mexico while their claims were being assessed.   We pray for these legal deliberations but also for the lives they affect.

Lord, guide the decision makers and those who parse laws.  We pray that your justice and righteousness would be in the forefront of their minds as they interpret laws, rulings, policies and that the real lives of these people would be held as sacred and precious in their eyes.

Germany evicts last year’s Afghan Refugees to make room for Ukrainian refugees

Afghan refugees who have been residing in Berlin have been evicted from their housing, disrupting new relationships and schooling for children to make room for refugees from Ukraine needing housing. Many were only given 24 hours notice.  Some are relocated to other government facilities but some are in shelters.  Government officials had said this was because of operationally necessary and difficult considerations, and while they feel bad to cause more hardship to Afghan families, they had no choice. 

Jesus, these decisions are heartbreaking. May governments see better ways to accommodate through than displacement but solutions for those fleeing war that take into account the physical, emotional, spiritual, educational needs of these families.  Jesus, have mercy. 

Becoming (part of) the Answer to our Own Prayers

An Equitable and Expedient Welcome for People Seeking Refuge

Canada’s responsiveness and expedience in opening up temporary protection pathways to Ukranians is valid and important. However even as these steps are taken it is critical to address numerous ongoing challenges in Canada’s refugee resettlement systems, including in Canada’s Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program. Read more and take action.

Coming from Cuba

Have you read our latest blog series?  As a denomination started by Dutch Reformed immigrants in 1857, the CRCNA is familiar with the immigrant experience. But how much do we know about other immigrants who played a significant role in our denomination? Join us as we explore the history of how Cubans became involved with the CRC denomination, how Americans welcomed them, and how they contributed and continue to contribute to our denomination.


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