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The Church has the Answers. Now is the Time to Speak.

Among the young, there is a growing shift towards feelings of hopelessness about our planet’s future. This despairing fear is being termed “eco-anxiety.”  Writing for, Marc-Aurèle Baly describes it as, “...the anticipation of a vague danger, a sort of fear without an object which leaves us unable to react in an articulate manner.” This overwhelming feeling of impending doom is leading to depression, apathy and despair. 

This wave of climate fear isn’t just confined to outside the church walls. According to a new study by A Rocha Canada and Tearfund Canada, there is widespread concern about climate change in many Canadian churches. Among evangelical Canadians between the ages of 18 to 42, 60% said they were “seriously worried” about the effects of the changing climate, and one in three said that they ranked this as one of the most important issues on their mind, second only to global poverty. 

If both non Christians AND regular church attenders are struggling with fear, and are wondering how to respond to the realities of a warming world, is it not our job as the Church to provide answers? God has given us the task of sharing hope. This hope is found in the Gospel, and leads us into a life given to serving Jesus. This hope encompasses every single issue, including climate change. 

But is the church sharing this hope? Are they pointing people towards the answers found in God’s Word and then helping them discover how this applies to their lives? From the survey, it appears not. A majority of respondents said that they don’t know how to respond to the crisis and that their churches aren’t helping them grapple with these issues. These believers want to live out their faith in tangible ways, but they don’t know how. 

God has given us the task of sharing hope. 

Church, it is time to step up to the task at hand. The authors of the “For All the Earth” survey share this challenge, “Rather than focus on the despairing media messages about the state of God’s world, we want to see the church lead as a hope-filled, positive influence in our communities and beyond.” They also quote Tim Keller’s clarion call to action: “Christians should be at the forefront of environmentalism. We should be leading the way, not dragging our feet, because the Bible tells us that God charged us with the care of his creation.” 

But how to start? Climate change issues are not a topic often studied in seminaries. The internet contains a plethora of competing voices. And too often church congregants have been exposed to misleading and/or inaccurate information on the climate. The Climate Witness Project can help your church with  both accurate scientific information AND Biblically sound resources.

The Climate Witness Project equips believers to be voices for justice through advocacy training; through practical advice on how to live sustainably; through opportunities for creation care with regional organizers; and through worship resources that focus on our Creator and the majesty of His creation. 

In the “For All Creation” survey, the authors found that, “young Canadian Christians are especially eager to connect their personal faith to creation care. They have a strong desire for the church to wield its influence and lead the way in engaging in climate action.” Church leaders, are you listening? Are you ready for the next steps in this journey of discipling God’s people? Join us in empowering the church to lead the way in climate care issues.

  • Worship: Creation care isn’t just a political issue. It’s a faith issue. We practice faithful stewardship because we worship the God who made this world! It’s important to undergird action with worship. That’s why we’ve created resources to use in your church. From bulletin inserts, to liturgies to congregational songs and more, help both church members and those outside the church alike understand the hope and joy we find in our great God. 

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