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Posted: September 27, 2023

Blessed am I when I am starving for justice.  When the world around me feels so unfair that I could scream, but no one seems to be listening.  No one seems to care.  May justice flow like a river.  - Kate Bowler and Jessica Richie 

Posted: September 25, 2023

In the days following Easter Jesus’ disciples gathered on a hill above the Sea of Galilee. Much of their ministry with Jesus had occurred in these hills, but this encounter was like no other.

Posted: September 22, 2023

By now you’ve probably seen the meme about Jesus’ greatest miracle—that he had 12 best friends in his 30s– apparently first told by

Posted: September 20, 2023
The waters cleanse us with his gentle touch.
And here he shows the full extent of love 
To us whose love is always incomplete,
Though we betray him, though it is the night, 
Posted: September 20, 2023

Canada marks a National Day of Truth and Reconciliation on September 30th.

Posted: September 18, 2023

I have the privilege of listening to a lot of pastors and worship leaders. I hear their joys and we give thanks. I hear what breaks their heart and mine breaks too. This reflective narrative comes from listening and learning.

Posted: September 15, 2023

I had a friend in my twenties that had a knack for getting himself arrested. As a rule-follower, child of immigrants and an immigrant, getting arrested is something I try to avoid.

Posted: September 13, 2023

Christ, you met him on the shore.
Guiding them to better waters,
eating fish and sharing bread -
you showed Peter and the others:
You were risen from the dead!

Posted: September 11, 2023

Dear Do Justice readers and co-labourers in the sacred call of justice, peace and reconciliation.

Posted: September 8, 2023

Just this past week, I heard a colleague of mine - a missionary for an international Christian agency based in Jerusalem - tell how he was spat upon when coming out of a worship service in the Old City of Jerusalem.
