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Posted: July 24, 2015

While the scientific and policy issues raised in the encyclical will get the most press attention, Francis is primarily doing theology. He emphasizes repeatedly that non-human creatures are not here only to serve us.

Posted: July 20, 2015

I find these debates which claim the authority of Abraham Kuyper for keeping the institutional church out of social issues unfortunate. Not unfortunate because we don’t need serious debate – we do!

Posted: July 16, 2015

As I read the article my heart sank as I realized that the cruise ship line industry has begun to promote volunteerism cruises in order to attract millennials, a younger customer base who have a bent for social justice causes.

Posted: July 10, 2015

Over the course of the past couple of years, I have been introduced to the term “microaggression.” I think I have known what microaggressions are for years, but hadn’t had the right word for them until recently.

Posted: July 6, 2015

How do I talk to my children about racism in light of Charleston? I thought it would be easy for me to answer as I do not shy away from real topics with my children. However, I couldn’t come up with something for this blog. I asked my children if

Posted: July 2, 2015

The other day I was eating dinner with my wife in a restaurant located in Gallup, New Mexico, a border town to the Navajo reservation. Gallup was recently named "Most Patriotic Small Town in America" in a nationwide contest.

Posted: June 30, 2015

How can Canadian Christians celebrate Canada Day this year in a way that rightly honours a great country without falling into either idolatrous patriotism or divisive nationalism?

Posted: June 30, 2015

We live in a land that was taken from others, and in a nation that was built by the slave labor of others. Only God can work to redeem and restore what has been done, but God seeks to do that through us, particularly in what we teach our children.

Posted: June 29, 2015

Kids are amazingly wise about justice issues. They will use their faith, minds, and hearts to make a difference and to share what they know with their peers.

Posted: June 26, 2015

In our conversations about racism, they all have expressed their struggle with the hope that things will get better. It is hard for me to help them along that path. They have already seen so much injustice.
