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Posted: April 15, 2024

In August 2017, after an arduous summer studying the Armenian language in Yerevan, I made a visit to the nearby Republic of Nagorno Karabakh, home to a population of 100,000 Armenians, members of the first nation to convert to Christiani

Posted: April 12, 2024

What does it mean to live inside Jesus’ story?  The novelist Margaret Atwood has said that in the end, we will all end up as stories.  For those of us claimed by the love of God made flesh in Jesus, it is Jesus’ story that determines and

Posted: April 10, 2024

"You have a God who hears you, the power of love behind you, the Holy Spirit within you, and all of heaven ahead of you.

Posted: April 8, 2024

“To bring justice to the children who never made it home is to be able to identify who they are, bringing peace to the families and truth about the children’s passing,” said Kúkpi7 Rosanne Casimir of the Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc.  

Posted: April 5, 2024

He has told you, O mortal, what is good, and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?   (Micah 6.8)

Posted: April 3, 2024

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." - John 10:11

Posted: April 1, 2024

Am I strange or have you also left a website open in your browser just because you couldn’t bear to close it?  For five months after the event ended, I kept the EventBrite page open and I smiled every time I saw it.  This open tab remind

Posted: March 29, 2024

I find Walter Brueggemann's framework of orientation, disorientation, and reorientation quite helpful as we as a denomination try to grow in diversity and unity.

Posted: March 27, 2024

May I be a person marked by bright hope in the midst of the darkest of hours.  May I be an Easter person.  - Kate Bowler

Posted: March 25, 2024

As I moved across the Narthex, I could see my office door.
