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Justice and Worship

Justice Prayers is a weekly post with 3-5 prayers addressing justice issues from around the world, sent straight to Do Justice subscribers' inboxes every Wednesday. 

Reflect, lament, pray, and incorporate God's ongoing narrative of justice for the vulnerable into your devotional life and congregational worship services.Forward them to your pastor for Sunday's congregational prayer, add them to your church bulletin, print them for use in small groups, or supplement your personal devotions.

See archives from before July 2021 here

Justice Prayers - December 6, 2023

Let us dare to test God's resources.  Let us ask him to kindle in us, and to keep aflame that passion for the impossible, that God might make us delight in it with him, because God doesn't find anything impossible. Nor should we.  And we delight in it with him until the day we shall see it by his grace transformed into fact.  - Lilias Trotter

Justice Prayers - November 29, 2023

The only way to survive the waves is to keep the beat of your heart in rhythm with the One who walks on water.  - Ann Voskamp 

Justice Prayers - November 22, 2023

Perspective is everything.  It changes what we see.  You can't see what you're not looking for, and the vantage point from which you see something can determine your perspective.  When it comes to our experience of God, the eyes of faith are capable of seeing an entirely different world than the same et of eyes looking at the same thing.  - Syd Hielema and Aaron Baart

Justice Prayers - November 15, 2023

May I give no ground to our true enemy, who 
seeks to choke out what is good and beautiful 
and tangle us with hatred and dissent. 
Keep my heart tender, yet strong 
to forgive as you have forgiven me. 
- Every Moment Holy

Updates from Israel-Gaza

Justice Prayers - November 8, 2023

God before and God behind, 
God for us and God for your own self, 
Maker of heaven and earth, 
creator of sea and sky, 
governor of day and night. 
Be our day and our night, 
our heaven and our earth, 
our sea and our sky, 
and in the end our true home.
- Walter Brueggemann 

Justice Prayers - November 1, 2023

"O Great Father of the sky above and the earth below, of the great waters and all that is in them," they prayed.  "Hear our cry!  - Acts 4:24 (FNV) 

Justice Prayers - October 25, 2023

My we help the helpless, comfort the mourner, sympathize with the widow and fatherless, and may we always be ready to put up with wrong, to be long-suffering, to be very patient, full of forgiveness, counting it a small thing that we should forgive our fellow-men since we have been forgiven by God.  - Charles Spurgeon 

Justice Prayers - October 18, 2023

Be our primary disease, 
and infect us with your justice; 
Be our night visitor, 
and haunt us with your peace; 
Be our moth that consumes, 
and eat away at our unfreedom.  
Until we are toward you and with you and for you 
away from our injustice, 
our anti-peace, 
our unfreedom.  
- Walter Brueggemann 

Justice Prayers - October 11, 2023

Since every gift comes down from the All-Giver,
How can I choose between the Giver’s gifts
Or say which should come first, the fish or river?

He scatters first, and then calls us to gather,
To lavish on his work our smaller crafts
And sail our praise upstream, back to the Giver.

Which Comes First, the Fish or the River? by Malcolm Guite

Justice Prayers - October 4, 2023

We are dab-hands at fishing: why should we incline
To net people instead? {Matt 4:18ff
‘There’s a catch to convince you that I am divine.’

We’re five thousand famished; you tell us to dine
On two herrings? They’re red! {Mark 6:30ff
‘Except for a soul I will give you no sign.’

Whale Catch Sole Catch Pike Catch Plaice by Michael Ward


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