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#HearUsOut - Canada Edition

Our Phone2Action partner launched #HearUsOut to help you send a personalized message to federal elected officials.  It is now avaliable to Canadians.  By selecting a topic within the action alert, you’ll be able to provide direct feedback on the COVID-19 response affecting vulnerable people in your community. The following paragraphs will be embedded in your action alert when you select a specific topic to take action on.  You can also copy and paste these paragraphs into communications with your official as necessary!

Federal Areas of Concern


People of faith have been at the forefront of supporting refugees for many decades. Many of the founding members of our communities arrived as immigrants or refugees themselves, and have strong memories of the struggles they faced, but also of the hospitality they received upon arrival to Canada. 

As Covid-19 has brought unprecedented change and uncertainty to our country, we ask that government leaders  continue robust support for refugee programs that are critical to newcomers who are already here, and to the thousands who are approved to come to Canada, waiting overseas. While upholding the safety of all Canadians, we urge you to keep our commitment of providing safety and security to those who claim refugee status, whether overseas or at our borders, knowing that they are among the most vulnerable in this crisis. 

Also, while we know that Covid-19 will have an impact on our economy, we ask that you continue to prioritize funding for Canadian and International refugee programs, alongside all other marginalized groups. Being #StrongerTogether means standing beside those who are displaced through no fault of their own. Because of interdependence our response to these global neighbours during Covid-19 is even more urgent today. 

Indigenous People 

Covid-19 highlights the ongoing disparity between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities.  Important resources that are available to most Canadians such as safe and adequate housing, clean water and comprehensive health care are not accessible in many Indigenous communities.  As you continue to make decisions for the good of our country please address, as a priority, immediate public health needs in Indigneous communities, and commit to redoubled efforts to work with Indigenous communities for long term solutions that address systemic inequities.

International Assistance 

Even as Canada - a G7 nation -  struggles to meet the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, developing nations are having to respond with fewer resources and limited health care systems. Within these nations there are over a billion people living in extreme poverty that are being hit hard  by the pandemic and its health and economic shocks. As a G7 country we have the opportunity and responsibility to respond by increasing our international assistance for public health, humanitarian programs, food/nutrition security, clean water and sanitation, and disaster preparedness and response in developing countries.  I’m grateful for the announcements of pandemic related international assistance and hope that Canada’s commitment to humanitarianism will continue and deepen in the time of re-building to come.

Knowing that our recovery is dependent on the well-being of every country, as a person of faith, I ask you to consider the needs of the most vulnerable around the world as you continue to respond to the Covid-19 crisis.

Provincial Areas of Concern

Caring for People with Disabilities

Writing:  As a person of faith, I believe every life has value. I have been saddened to see the initial hospital triage plans that were released that outlined prejudicial ethical decisions.  I am thankful that those plans have not been enacted, but this shows ongoing problems with valuing some lives over others.  

This has shown up as people living with disabilities who have not been able to have family managing their care while in hospital. As a result, we have already seen loss of life as no one was able to advocate for them. 

I have been overwhelmed with grief thinking of those in long term care who live with cognitive impairments that are not able to understand why they are not seeing their families and why they are forced to live in isolation. I am concerned for our youngest friends in the disability community who rely on the structure of our education system and the ongoing support of teachers and support workers to thrive. I am concerned for the parents who are now in a very difficult situation of trying to maintain schedules and interventions that have helped their children thrive, but are no longer available due to our current social distancing mandate for essential services. 

COVID-19 has effectively highlighted the gaps in our system to support our most vulnerable. Do not let this pandemic become a model for valuing some lives over others.  As you consider COVID legislation and future legislation like Medical Assistance in Dying please consider the value and worth of every human.

Caring for those Vulnerable to Exploitation

As I continue to shelter in place, I know many children have shifted to online learning platforms. Children are spending significant time online, completing assignments and watching videos of their teachers presenting the coursework. As a parent, it is hard to monitor what our children’s online activity looks like currently. As families are trying to maintain school and work simultaneously throughout the day, it is increasingly challenging to oversee the safety of our children’s online presence and predators are well aware of this issue.  

As children are experiencing high levels of vulnerability please work towards effective solutions for both online safety and an end to human trafficking.  Please continue funding for initiatives and organizations that tackle these issues.

Connect with your federal legislator on these issues through this link.
Connect with your provincial legislator on these issues through this link.


U.S. Readers can take action here!

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