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Blessed are the Persecuted

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:10 NIV

Rugged Relationships and a Restorative Church

In our society of increasingly complex webs of relationships, systems of governments and institutions -- shalom, or the way things are supposed to be -- seems increasingly more challenging to envision. There has never been as much history as there is in the present.

Justice Prayers - October 28, 2020

"I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world." - John 16:33 NLT

Reconciliation through Education

During my five-week internship with the Centre for Public Dialogue, I had the opportunity to create lesson plans to be used by independent schools in B.C., Alberta, and Ontario. These lesson plans included the history of Residential Schools, and the reality of  current inequalities in schools on-reserves. I researched to learn more about the beautiful things Indigenous communities offer, the experiences they endured and the current inequalities they are facing. 

Speak Out, Speak Up

On Thursday October 8, 2020 we woke up to witness two deaths that had occurred during the night in the village. Two people who pretended to be customers killed an unsuspecting young lady operating the casino shop after midnight. The two murderers were heard as they tried to lift the loot, noise from moving the machines made the neighbors suspicious of dubious activity going on next door. An alarm for help was sounded and a search for the perpetrators started. One of the thugs was arrested by village leaders and police.

Relationship to Reconciliation

In my work over the years with the Canadian Indigenous Ministry Committee, the word, relationship, has become one of the most important words I’ve learned. Relationship is the beginning of reconciliation practice. How would I define my experience and responsibility towards relationship? 3 things: Self-Inquiry, Community and Curiosity. My relationship with myself and my past - self-inquiry, my relationship with others - community, and my relationship with not knowing - curiosity.

Justice Prayers - October 14, 2020

"I am close to death at the hands of my enemies; oh, give me back my life again, just as you promised me. Accept my grateful thanks and teach me your desires. My life hangs in the balance, but I will not give up obedience to your laws. The wicked have set their traps for me along your path, but I will not turn aside. Your laws are my joyous treasure forever. I am determined to obey you until I die. - Psalm 119:107-112 NLT

Defining Neighbour

We as image-bearers of God have an unprecedented opportunity to re-engage with our community tables that have been set before us. Our tables need to be large enough to invite our neighbors to join us for food, laughter and conversation. So naturally we ask the question, who is my neighbor? 

An Interview with an Anti-Human Trafficking Operative

The Exodus Road is a nonprofit dedicated to strategically fighting human trafficking across the globe. The organization intervenes in human trafficking situations by empowering nationals around the world to gather evidence and facilitate rescue missions with local police to free enslaved people. 

Justice Prayers - October 7th 2020

I hear the Savior say
Thy strength indeed is small
Child of weakness, watch and pray
Find in me thine all in all

- Jesus Paid It All (Newsboys)


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