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News from the Field

Learn from people on the forefront of justice work. Find out more about global and local injustices, the work being done to combat them, and the restored relationships that result.

Religious Persecution and True Godliness

Egypt is a country of contrasts and inconsistencies; the uneven application of justice in relation to the Christian minority is one example. Of course, in the Western news media, we hear of the persecution and escalating terrorist attacks which are often directed against Christians. When a young Christian man is attacked by religious extremist youth who do not want to see him in a relationship with their Muslim sister, his business and home are burned, and his family ousted from their village, there may very well be little support from the police or courts.

A Sesquicentennial Celebration!

This year of 2017 is the year Canada celebrates 150 years as a confederation. As we do so, what is the story we will share? While four provinces (Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick) came together on July 1, 1867 to form the new Dominion of Canada, the rest of the provinces joined later over time with Nunavut as the most recent in 1999. What does Canada have to celebrate with a sesquicentennial milestone? For some Canadians, it will be a time of reflection and thanksgiving for peace, freedom and their ability as newcomers from other nations to establish a better life.

#Budget2017: A Snapshot of Priorities and a Call to Citizenship

This week marked one of the most important moments of my year. No, it wasn’t the first day of spring, though that was a highlight. It was the unveiling of Canada's federal budget for 2017.

Big News at the Office of Social Justice and Office of Race Relations

You may have heard that there are some changes afoot in the Office of Social Justice and the Office of Race Relations. We’re excited for the possibilities that these changes create. Have questions? Here are our responses.

Who Will Make Us Salty Again?

In 1 Peter 2:9-10, and in Matthew 5:14-16, and in Philippians 2:14-15, we are told that, having received mercy, having been given the role of light (in a world that so desperately needs it), and having God at work within us—we are to see ourselves as royalty. But how should being royalty make us act?

2016 Canada Justice Highlights You May Have Forgotten

The Internet has been abuzz lamenting some of the difficult events of 2016. But let’s take a moment to look in the rearview mirror and remember important strides forward that were made in 2016, before focusing on the hills ahead of us. Our Canada justice team staff were moved this look back. May it be encouraging to you too! 

Introducing Cindy Stover!

Remember the Justice and Faith Project? Surveyors called people and organized conversations in CRC congregations across Canada to learn what justice means to Canadian CRC folk and what they’d like to do about it. We learned *a lot* together (find the results here). One of the key findings was that more than 85% of Canadian CRC members believe that doing justice is an essential part of Christian faith. Wow.

What Do Pipelines have to do with the Doctrine of Discovery?

This month on Do Justice we are working to unlearn the Doctrine of Discovery together through our series "In 1492, Indigenous peoples discovered Columbus". Welcome to the series! To see other posts in the series and make sure you don't miss a post, visit this page.

God is in Control but I am Still Hurting

I am heartbroken, scared, angry, and confused.

Clearing the Air: Even Undocumented Immigrants are a Blessing

Did you know that 70% of all US agricultural workers are undocumented? 1 in 15 children have at least one parent without legal status. In total, there are 11 million undocumented people in the United States. Polls demonstrate that over 50% of white evangelicals believe that immigrants are an economic drain and threat to American values.


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